Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

SummariseValues ( values ; separator )

Summarises the values in a paragraph delimited list. The format of the output is value & separator & count¶ with a paragraph after the last value.

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Vaughan Bromfield   Vaughan Bromfield - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
SummariseValues ( "a¶b¶c¶a¶c" ; "=" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

SummariseValues( values ; separator )
by Vaughan Bromfield

Summarises the values in a paragraph delimited list. The format of the output is: value & separator & count¶ with a paragraph after the last value.

Uses the Trim4() custom function.

allvalues = Trim4( Lower( values ) ) ;
firstvalue = Trim4( GetValue( allvalues ; 1 ) ) ;
firstcount = PatternCount( "¶" & Substitute( allvalues ; "¶" ; "¶¶" ) & "¶" ; "¶" & firstvalue & "¶" ) ;
newvalues = Trim4( Substitute( "¶" & Substitute( allvalues ; "¶" ; "¶¶" ) & "¶" ; [ "¶" & firstvalue & "¶" ; "" ] ; [ "¶¶" ; "¶" ] ) )
] ;


IsEmpty( allvalues ) ; "" ;

firstvalue & separator & firstcount & "¶" & SummariseValues( newvalues ; separator )





Vaughan Bromfield   Vaughan Bromfield
Nov 11, 2010
The function converts the list to lowercase.
Abraham Entezari   Abraham Entezari, Earth
Apr 19, 2016
Hello there,
My name is Abraham. I just downloaded the above named custom function but the manage custom function in filemaker does not accept it with popup saying “too many parameter”. Do you have any idea?
Thank you very much
Vaughan Bromfield   Vaughan Bromfield
Apr 19, 2016
Hello Abraham

When defining the custom function in your database, do it in this order:

1) Enter the function name "SummariseValues"

2) Add the "values" and "separator" parameters (type each name and click on the little green + symbol)

3) Paste the calculation expression into the body of the custom function.

If it's done in this order then it should work.

My guess is the add parameters step has been missed.

All the best,

Richard Dyce   Richard Dyce, Dyce & Sons Ltd.
Aug 16, 2017
A minor alteration, possibly of use: instead of a separator, a string format template is supplied, with n being replaced with the summary count. It makes appending things like " (n)" easier, but still allows for "separator n" type formatting...

// SummariseValues ( values ; suffixFormat )
allvalues = Trim4( Lower( values ) ) ;
firstvalue = Trim4( GetValue( allvalues ; 1 ) ) ;
firstcount = PatternCount( "¶" & Substitute( allvalues ; "¶" ; "¶¶" ) & "¶" ; "¶" & firstvalue & "¶" ) ;
newvalues = Trim4( Substitute( "¶" & Substitute( allvalues ; "¶" ; "¶¶" ) & "¶" ; [ "¶" & firstvalue & "¶" ; "" ] ; [ "¶¶" ; "¶" ] ) )
] ;

IsEmpty( allvalues ) ; "" ;
firstvalue & Substitute( suffixFormat ; "n" ; firstcount ) & "¶" & SummariseValues( newvalues ; suffixFormat)

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