UrlEncode ( text )
Converts illegal and reserved URL characters into URL-legal hex code.
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Jeremiah Small - Show more from this author
Soliant Consulting, Inc. https://www.soliantconsulting.com |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
A complete table of hexadecimal codes can be found here http://www.december.com/html/spec/ascii.html
Be aware that curly quotes (single and double) are high-ascii, and will not be converted with this function. If you need quotes, make sure your input is with straight quotes.
Tim Cimbura, LuminFire May 1, 2010 |
The following version adds in a few more important substitutions... /* See http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2368.html for mailto specifications The following substitutions and their order are important. mailto: will fail without them. Reserved characterss in a mailto: URL are "-", "&", and "?" Must escape the % first, before you start adding them in. Then do spaces and returns. Stupify quotes and other stuff Non-breaking space Does not handle double quotes or tabs (%09) Could add substitutions for all diacriticals and other less common characters */ Substitute (text; ["%"; "%25"]; [ " "; "%20"]; ["¶"; "%0D"]; [ "!" ; "%21" ] ; [ "$" ; "%24" ] ; [ "(" ; "%28" ] ; [ ")" ; "%29" ] ; [ "*" ; "%2A" ] ; [ "+" ; "%2B" ] ; [ "." ; "%2E" ] ; [ "=" ; "%3D" ] ; ["\“"; "%22"]; [ "\â€"; "%22"]; ["‘"; "%27"]; ["’"; "%27"]; ["'"; "%27"]; ["…"; "..."]; ["•"; "*"]; [ "-"; "%2D"]; ["&"; "%26"]; ["="; "%3D"]; ["?"; "%3F"]; ["#"; "%23"]; [","; "%2C"]; [ "/"; "%2F"]; [":"; "%3A"]; [";"; "%3B"]; [ "<"; "%3C"]; [ ">"; "%3E"]; ["@"; "%40&quo |
Tim Cimbura, LuminFire May 1, 2010 |
The above post got truncated. It won't work as displayed here. | ||
Alex Mar 31, 2011 |
I added the german "Umlaute" whose are: [ "A" ; "%C3%84" ] ; [ "ä" ; "%C3%A4" ] ; [ "Ö" ; "%C3%96" ] ; [ "ö" ; "%C3%B6" ] ; [ " Ü" ; "%C3%9C" ] ; [ "ü" ; "%C3%BC" ] ; [ "ß" ; "%c3%9F" ] ) Cheers Alex |
Alex Mar 31, 2011 |
Of course it has to be "Ä" instead of "A" and "Ü". |
Pacrox, Milano Sep 16, 2012 |
Added Extended Character set: ["¢" ; "%A2"] ; ["£" ; "%A3"] ; ["Â¥" ; "%A5"] ; ["|" ; "%A6"] ; ["§" ; "%A7"] ; ["«" ; "%AB"] ; ["¬" ; "%AC"] ; ["¯" ; "%AD"] ; ["º" ; "%B0"] ; ["±" ; "%B1"] ; ["ª" ; "%B2"] ; ["," ; "%B4"] ; ["µ" ; "%B5"] ; ["»" ; "%BB"] ; ["¼" ; "%BC"] ; ["½" ; "%BD"] ; ["¿" ; "%BF"] ; ["À" ; "%C0"] ; ["Ã" ; "%C1"] ; ["Â" ; "%C2"] ; ["Ã" ; "%C3"] ; ["Ä" ; "%C4"] ; ["Ã…" ; "%C5"] ; ["Æ" ; "%C6"] ; ["Ç" ; "%C7"] ; ["È" ; "%C8"] ; ["É" ; "%C9"] ; ["Ê" ; "%CA"] ; ["Ë" ; "%CB"] ; ["ÃŒ" ; "%CC"] ; ["Ã" ; "%CD"] ; ["ÃŽ" ; "%CE"] ; ["Ã" ; "%CF"] ; ["Ã" ; "%D0"] ; ["Ñ" ; "%D1"] ; ["Ã’" ; "%D2"] ; ["Ó" ; "%D3"] ; ["Ô" ; "%D4"] ; ["Õ" ; "%D5"] ; ["Ö" ; "%D6"] ; ["Ø" ; "%D8"] ; ["Ù" ; "%D9"] ; ["Ú" ; "%DA"] ; ["Û" ; "%DB"] ; ["Ãœ" ; "%DC"] ; ["à |
Pacrox, Milano Sep 16, 2012 |
...cont: ["Ã" ; "%DD"] ; ["Þ" ; "%DE"] ; ["ß" ; "%DF"] ; ["à " ; "%E0"] ; ["á" ; "%E1"] ; ["â" ; "%E2"] ; ["ã" ; "%E3"] ; ["ä" ; "%E4"] ; ["Ã¥" ; "%E5"] ; ["æ" ; "%E6"] ; ["ç" ; "%E7"] ; ["è" ; "%E8"] ; ["é" ; "%E9"] ; ["ê" ; "%EA"] ; ["ë" ; "%EB"] ; ["ì" ; "%EC"] ; ["Ã" ; "%ED"] ; ["î" ; "%EE"] ; ["ï" ; "%EF"] ; ["ð" ; "%F0"] ; ["ñ" ; "%F1"] ; ["ò" ; "%F2"] ; ["ó" ; "%F3"] ; ["ô" ; "%F4"] ; ["õ" ; "%F5"] ; ["ö" ; "%F6"] ; ["÷" ; "%F7"] ; ["ø" ; "%F8"] ; ["ù" ; "%F9"] ; ["ú" ; "%FA"] ; ["û" ; "%FB"] ; ["ü" ; "%FC"] ; ["ý" ; "%FD"] ; ["þ" ; "%FE"] ; ["ÿ" ; "%FF"] ) |
Oregondean, Oregon, of course! May 28, 2013 |
Note that the %25 substitution HAS TO BE FIRST in the list. That was not a casual placement by Brian. If it is further down the list then the "%" signs in the already converted characters will be substituted again and, for example "!" will become %21 then %2521. Learned this the hard way. Thanks Brian! | ||
Chris Van Buren, UK Nov 25, 2014 |
TIP: There is another custom function for removing smart quotes (http://www.briandunning.com/cf/1115) | ||
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