Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetFileSize ( Bytes ; Precision ; UOM ; Format )

Converts bytes into a labeled file size, appending

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Julio Toledo   Julio Toledo - Show more from this author
Automation USA LLC

  Sample input:
GetFileSize ( Get ( FileSize ) ; 2 ; "" ; "long" )
GetFileSize ( Get ( FileSize ) ; "" ; "" ; "s" )
GetFileSize ( Get ( FileSize ) ; 2 ; "metric" ; "long" )
  Sample output:
"1.35 Gigabytes" - where Get ( FileSize ) = 1447866368 bytes
"411 MB" - where Get ( FileSize ) = 430714880 bytes
"1.45 Gigabytes" - where Get ( FileSize ) = 1447866368 bytes

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

• Rounds bytes to the nearest order of magnitude ( up to the Yottabyte level ) at the requested precision [defaults to 0 decimal places] .
• Optionally appends "short-form" ( "MB" ) or "long-form" ( "Megabytes" ) unit label [defaults to ].
• Provides option to use metric ( 1000 bytes ) or binary (1024 bytes ) unit of measure [defaults to binary].

Input: GetFileSize ( Get ( FileSize ) ; 2 ; "" ; "long" )
Output: "1.35 Gigabytes" - where Get ( FileSize ) = 1447866368 bytes

Input: GetFileSize ( Get ( FileSize ) ; 2 ; "metric" ; "long" )
Output: "1.45 Gigabytes" - where Get ( FileSize ) = 1447866368 bytes

Input: GetFileSize ( Get ( FileSize ) ; "" ; "" ; "s" )
Output: "411 MB" - where Get ( FileSize ) = 430714880 bytes

2015-10-23 Julio Toledo - Automation USA ( ). Function originally employed hardcoded binary values and forcibly appended "short form" unit label.
2015-10-31 Julio Toledo - Added "UOM" parameter to optionally use metric standard ( 1000 bytes ).
2015-10-31 Julio Toledo - Added "Format" parameter to optionally append unit label.
2015-10-31 Julio Toledo - Optimized case statement for "Label" variable as per contributions by "Bruce, from Redmond WA". ( Thank you Bruce ).
2015-10-31 Julio Toledo - Optimized "Size" evaluation based on "Magnitude" logarithmic code from Jeremy Bante's "ByteSize" custom function ( , )



Bruce   Bruce, Redmond WA
Oct 29, 2015
Looks like you're not really taking correct advantage of the case statement.
No need for the "and <" part where you are evaluating size.
Could be more like this:

Label = Case (
RawBytes ≥ Yottabyte ; “YB” ;
RawBytes ≥ Zettabyte ; “ZB” ;
RawBytes ≥ Exabyte ; “EB” ;
RawBytes ≥ Petabyte ; “PB” ;
RawBytes ≥ Terabyte ; “TB” ;
RawBytes ≥ Gigabyte ; “GB” ;
RawBytes ≥ Megabyte ; “MB” ;
RawBytes ≥ Kilobyte ; “KB” ;
Julio   Julio, Miami, FL
Oct 30, 2015
Thanks Bruce,

I take your point, but the reason for the "and <" is not to determine label name, but rather to determine what value "RawBytes" needs to be divided by.
Bruce   Bruce, Redmond WA
Oct 30, 2015
Sorry that makes no sense.
Bruce   Bruce, Redmond WA
Oct 30, 2015
But to (perhaps) clarify; my comment was only about that particular section. The complete calc would be like this:

GetFileSize ( bytes ; precision )
2015-10-23 Julio Toledo - Automation USA ( )
Converts bytes into a labeled file size, appending "short-form" unit symbol up to the Yottabyte level. Can be easily modified to include "long-form" unit name.

Let ( [

RawBytes = Int ( Bytes ) ;

Kilobyte = 1024 ;
Megabyte = 1048576 ;
Gigabyte = 1073741824 ;
Terabyte = 1099511627776 ;
Petabyte = 1125899906842624 ;
Exabyte = 1152921504606846976 ;
Zettabyte = 1180591620717411303424 ;
Yottabyte = 1208925819614629174706176 ;

Decimals = If ( IsEmpty ( precision ) ;
2 ;
Abs ( Int ( precision ) )
) ; //end If

Label = Case (
RawBytes ≥ Yottabyte ; "YB" ;
RawBytes ≥ Zettabyte ; "ZB" ;
RawBytes ≥ Exabyte ; "EB" ;
RawBytes ≥ Petabyte ; "PB" ;
RawBytes ≥ Terabyte ; "TB" ;
RawBytes ≥ Gigabyte ; "GB" ;
RawBytes ≥ Megabyte ; "MB" ;
RawBytes ≥ Kilobyte ; "KB" ;

) ; //end Case

Size = Case (

Label = "KB" ; Round ( RawBytes/Kilobyte ; Decimals ) ;
Label = "MB" ; Round ( RawBytes/Megabyte ; Decimals ) ;
Label = "GB" ; Round ( RawBytes/Gigabyte ; Decimals ) ;
Label = "TB" ; Round ( RawBytes/Terabyte ; Decimals ) ;
Label = "PB" ; Round ( RawBytes/Petabyte ; Decimals ) ;
Label = "EB" ; Round ( RawBytes/Exabyte ; Decimals ) ;
Bruce   Bruce, Redmond WA
Oct 30, 2015
Somehow the paste got chopped but hopefully you can figure out that the end of the calc should remain like the bottom section of the existing calc.
Julio   Julio, Miami, FL
Oct 31, 2015
Thanks Bruce,

based on your feedback, I completely revisited and expanded upon the code.

It turns out there already was a similar function written by Jeremy Bante back in 2012 which did not turn up during my original search, so I ended up writing this one instead.

In this last revision, I took your input as well as some choice lines of code from Jeremy's function and made this one much better than before, I think.

Thanks again,


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