Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Verhoeff ( numericString ; index ; checkSum )

Returns the Verhoeff dihedral check digit of numericString. Use this function to verify a numeric string protected by a Verhoeff check digit, or to generate the correct Verhoeff check digit for a given numeric string.

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Michael Horak   Michael Horak - Show more from this author
*COMMENT Visual Realisation

  Sample input:
Verhoeff ( "1428570" ; 0 ; 0 )

Middle ( "0432156789" ; Verhoeff ( "142857" & "0" ; 0 ; 0 ) + 1 ; 1 )
  Sample output:


  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Returns the Verhoeff dihedral check digit of numericString. Use this function to verify a numeric string protected by a Verhoeff check digit, or to generate the correct Verhoeff check digit for a given numeric string.

For more information about the Verhoeff algorithm, see:


1. To extract the check digit from a string in Input field:

Verhoeff ( Input ; 0 ; 0 )

A result of zero (0) indicates a valid entry; any other result indicates a data entry error.

2. To validate an entry in Input field:

not Verhoeff ( Input ; 0 ; 0 )

3. To generate a check digit for a string in Input field:

Middle ( "0432156789" ; Verhoeff ( Input & "0" ; 0 ; 0 ) + 1 ; 1 )

4. To append a check digit to a string in Input field:

Input & Middle ( "0432156789" ; Verhoeff ( Input & "0" ; 0 ; 0 ) + 1 ; 1 )



Rodolfo Vargas   Rodolfo Vargas, Santa Cruz - Bolivia
Nov 25, 2012
Desarrollo en File Maker 9,11,12 y pondre a prueba esta funcioin , paRA GENERAR UN CODIGO DE CONTROL....en facturas para impuestos internos......

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