shuffleList ( listToShuffle )
Standalone, quick & dirty list sort order randomizer using recursion.
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Jan Bardi - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Recursively generates a randomly re-sorted value list of the input list. Duplicate values are not de-duplicated (inputting "1¶2¶1" can return "2¶1¶1" but not "2¶1"). The usual FileMaker recursion limits apply - the function fails when the input list length approaches or exceeds 10000 values - FMPro's recursion limit is 10000 iterations. It relies on FMPro's "random" function for the randomisation - in FileMaker we trust...
Syntax: shuffleList ( listToShuffle )
In: listToShuffle - the return delimited list to randomly re-sort
Return type: Text (a return delimited list with the same values, but now in a randomly mixed sort order)
shuffleList ( "1¶2¶2¶") ---> "1¶2¶2¶" or "2¶1¶2¶" or "2¶2¶1¶"
Jessica Reitz, Tulsa, OK Jun 16, 2016 |
I used this to create a database that generates Bingo Cards.. Any kind of Bingo, any number of cards, with the push of a button. How sweet is this function?! Thank You!!!! |
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