ASFolderPath ( UnixFolderPath )
Converts Unix-style file paths to the reverse-order verbose form used by AppleScript
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Allan Hunter - Show more from this author
Independent FileMaker Solutions Developer |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
AppleScript uses "reverse verbose" file paths like: folder "Some Folder" of folder "Enclosing Folder" of folder "Top Folder" of startup disk; or: folder "Some Folder" of folder "Enclosing Folder" of folder "Top Folder" of disk "External HD".
This fx takes Unix style paths such as "/Volumes/External HD/Top Folder/Enclosing Folder/Some Folder", or "/Applications/Quark/Subfolder" and returns the AppleScript equiv.
At, Edward Souza wrote:
I needed to parse and reformat a FileMaker-formatted absolute file path into an AppleScript one. Since I'm novice to FileMaker, the only way I found to accomplish that was via a FM Script, although I tried to (and believe it is possible to) use a Custom Function to do the task. It took me about 9 minutes to script it in FileMaker 9.0v3. If you have any ideas or improvements, feel free to use them.
This does it in a CF, with the limitation that it must still be in a script, where a variable $Pos is first set to ""; or else in some context where there is no chance that $Pos will have a prior value. Requires sub-function ASFPCoreFx which is where $Pos is referenced; the reason I used a $variable in that CF is that I could find no other way to get the dialog to let me define a value (not previously identified) in terms of itself in a Let() function.
It is therefore still in need of improvement. But I was asked if such a fx existed; I assumed someone more adept than I am had posted one, but apparently not.
Bruce Robertson Jun 10, 2009 |
Well, no it doesn't. That is it can; but I can't think of any reason to ever use this format. tell app "Finder" to get selection -- document file "ab.jpg" of folder "Desktop" of folder "bruce" of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder"} tell app "Finder" to get selection as text -- "Macintosh HD:Users:bruce:Desktop:ab.jpg" |
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