EliminatePrefix ( value ; prefix )
Recursively eliminate any prefixes
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Martin Brunner Zurich Financial Services http://www.zurichconnect.ch |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This function can be used, if it is not clear, how many times a certain prefix exists in front of a certain value. The function recursively eliminates the specified prefix.
comment, VR Aug 26, 2009 |
You can do the same thing with a simple, non-recursive calculation = Let ( [ clean = Substitute ( text ; prefix ; "" ) ; pos = Position ( text ; Left ( clean ; 1 ) ; 1 ; 1 ) ] ; Right ( text ; Length ( text ) - pos + 1 ) ) |
Hans, Munich Aug 27, 2009 |
I am looking for the inverse function of this. Adding a prefix. The get from a number a text string with always the same lenght and "0" at the beginning. Who can help ? (i.e.: input 123 -> output "000123") |
comment, VR Aug 27, 2009 |
Try: Right ( "00000" & input ; 5 ) Or: SerialIncrement ( "000000" ; input ) |
Antonio Loera, Mexico Jun 26, 2014 |
I try to use this explanation but i can get the output My field name is Pn_Yoke The Prefix is the letter P, sample P764-15543-001 The Output must be easy 764-15543-001, only I need the prefix P, the length of the filed can be 15 characters or more |
Antonio Loera, Mexico Jun 26, 2014 |
I try to use this explanation but i can get the output My field name is Pn_Yoke The Prefix is the letter P, sample P764-15543-001 The Output must be easy 764-15543-001, only I need the prefix delete P, the length of the filed can be 15 characters or more. Could you please help me, I really need you support in this matter... |
Martin Jun 27, 2014 |
Antonio That's a simple one: Middle ( Pn_Yoke ; 2 ; 999) Like this you start at the second character and take whatever comes behind. Hope that helps.... |
Antonio Loera, Mexico Jun 27, 2014 |
Thanks a lot Martin Z. Now I need validate the prefix P on the field, but I don't know how can get it, By example the Data entry on the field is P764-15543-001 , I need validate the first character "P" prefix if the condition are met the ned step is use middle(Pn_Yoke ; 2 ; 999) If the condition are not met we need delete the data entry on the field. One more time thanks four you help on this matter.. |
Martin Jun 30, 2014 |
Antonia Again simple: If ( Left ( Pn_Yoke ; 1 ) = "P" ; Middle(Pn_Yoke ; 2 ; 999) ; Pn_Yoke ) Regards, Martin |
Antonio loera, Matehuala, Mexico Jul 2, 2014 |
Thanks a lot Martin I really apreciated you time and Support on this matter. Sorry by my questions as beginner programming on file maker. Now I need a condition when the prefix is different of "P" delete the information entry on the field, keept the mouse cursor on the same field until the prefix is equal to "P" and also send a message error like "Invalid Prefix". Regards. |
Leon, Albir Playa, Spain Jul 17, 2014 |
Antonio, In that case you're looking at a script, rather than just a Custom Function. Create a script with the name: "Validate Pn_Yoke Field" Enter the following in the script: If [(not IsEmpty(db_Name::Pn_Yoke)) and (Upper(Left(db_Name::Pn_Yoke ; 1)) <> "P")] Set Field [db_Name::Pn_Yoke ; ""] Show Custom Dialog ["ERROR" ; "Invalid Prefix"] Go to Field [db_Name::Pn_Yoke] End If Now go to the Pn_Yoke field on the layout and set up a script trigger for OnObjectExit. The trigger points to the Validate Pn_Yoke Field script. That should do the trick. Good luck. Regards, Leon. |
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