Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FormatDateAsText ( baseDate ; Format )

Formats a date with a specifiable format

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Eilert Sundt   Eilert Sundt
Eilert Sundt Systemdesign

  Sample input:
FormatDateAsText( Date(9;30;2009) ; "YYYY-MM-DD" )
FormatDateAsText( Date(9;30;2009) ; "M/D/YY" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This custom function takes as input a date and a text representation of a date format and returns a formatted date as a text string.
The following formatting strings are supported:



Maarten   Maarten, Private
Sep 30, 2009
I couldnt get that to work as advertised.

Shouldn't it be something like this

// DateAsText ( TheDate ; Format )
// Supports YYYY and YY, MM and M ; DD and D formats
// separators should be set in Format (use a value list)
// not recursive

TheYear = Right ( Year ( TheDate ) ; PatternCount (Format ; "Y") ) ;

TheMonth = Case ( Month ( thedate ) ≤ 9 ; Right ( "00" & Month ( thedate ) ; PatternCount ( Format ; "M" ) ) ; Month ( thedate ) ) ;

TheDay = Case ( Day ( thedate ) ≤ 9 ; Right ( "00" & Day ( thedate ) ; PatternCount ( Format ; "D" )) ; Day ( thedate ) ) ;

Simplified = Substitute ( Format ; ["YY" ; "Y" ] ; ["YY" ; "Y" ] ; ["MM" ; "M" ] ; ["DD" ; "D" ] )

] ;

Substitute ( Simplified ; [ "Y" ; TheYear ] ; [ "M" ; TheMonth ] ; [ "D" ; TheDay ] )
Eilert Sundt   Eilert Sundt, Hammerfest, Norway
Nov 9, 2009
Sorry for returning to this so late. I accidentally pasted the wrong code initially. It should work now.

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