ExtractLine ( TextField ; LineNumber )
Return a specific line out of a text field.
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Michael Haymore N/A http://www.my-xanadu.net |
Black" ; 3 )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This is an easy way to pull a specific line of text out of a field that has it's data seperated by carriage returns. If you try to get a get a line of text that is not available, it will return a "?".
Chris Lord-Paquin, Manchester, NH May 4, 2009 |
The above custom function works great, but does not pull the last value of the field. There must be a "¶" after the last value for the function to fully work. The following works properly. Let ([ TextSource = TextField & "¶"; TextLine = Middle (TextSource; Position ( TextSource; "¶"; 1; LineNumber - 1) + 1; Position ( TextSource; "¶"; 1; LineNumber) - Position ( TextSource; "¶"; 1; LineNumber - 1) - 1 )]; If ( IsEmpty (TextLine); "?"; TextLine) ) |
Jo, brussels Sep 25, 2015 |
wouldn't getvalue do the same ? | ||
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