Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Choose Folder opens a folder selector windows and returns path folder

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NicoWeb   NicoWeb

  Sample input:
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  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

opens a "folder selector" window and returns the folder's path.

IMPORTANT: requires SmartPill PHP from Scodigo



Allan Hunter   Allan Hunter, Independent FileMaker Solutions Developer
Jan 4, 2010
Where is this cute but otherwise missing function "PHP_Execute" to be found?

My version of FileMaker does not contain a PHP_Execute function, and it does not seem to be extant here on Brian Dunning's site as a CF.
Daniel Wood   Daniel Wood, Digital Fusion Ltd
Jan 4, 2010
Looks more like a function you would use in iwp/cwp ? Is this meant to work in FileMaker itself?
a   a, b
Jan 6, 2010
Presumably this runs off of the SmartPill PHP plugin.
Sean   Sean, Private
Jan 6, 2010
As the developer stated in the description this custom function requires the SmartPill PHP plugin from Scodigo. Once the plugin is installed the function PHP_Execute will be available.

I could see this used for setting a user preference for where PDFs or data exports would be sent. So it can be used inside FileMaker itself. If it were cwp you wouldn't need a custom function.

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