Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

CalendarLite ( date_field ; option ; iteration ; x_start_on_monday ; x_highlight_weekends ; holiday_list )

Same as Calendar (minus documentation and integrated holiday list).

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Drew Wesley   Drew Wesley - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
CalendarLite ( "6/1/2012" ; "calendar" ; 3 ; "" ; "" ; "" )
  Sample output:
(Shows month of August 2012 in 42 repeating fields. Days outside of August are grayed.)

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Same as Calendar (minus the extra documentation and integrated holiday list).



Benoit Kaisin   Benoit Kaisin, Belgium
Jan 12, 2010
Seems to be a nice idea for calendar.
But it doesn't seems to work.
This example return a 22 in grey color.
Should I miss something?
Do you have a simple example to download?
Could I have more details about the parameters?
Andrew Butt   Andrew Butt, Los Angeles, CA
Jan 13, 2010
The documentation included in the full fnCalendar function provides the instructions you'll need. Please email me with any questions.
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Feb 1, 2010
Doesn't work; all but first cell empty.
Missing extend()?
1.5 worked OK.
Andrew Butt   Andrew Butt, Los Angeles, CA
May 29, 2010
If you're using the global calculation option, you'll need (1) to use the date as a trigger field and (2) the Extend function as noted in Step 3a in the documentation:
Let (
trigger = CAL::Date_G ;
fnCalendar ( Extend ( <date field> ) ; "calendar" ; 1 ; "" ; "" )

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