Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

SUMLIST ( list )

sums the numbers in a list

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Martin Spanjaard   Martin Spanjaard - Show more from this author
Trias Digitaal

  Sample input:
SUMLIST ( 2.5¶3 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Adds the numbers in a list. We use it on our invoices, where the user is free to put the amounts in a text field.

It recursively takes the first number off the list and adds it to the rest of the list, till the list is empty.

Formatting is done recursively by two other custom functions.



unin   unin, japan
Feb 8, 2010
Bart Bartholomay   Bart Bartholomay, Vero Beach, FL
Feb 9, 2010
Why not:

Martin Sorich   Martin Sorich, San Jose, CA
May 14, 2010

Clever, but in FMP 10, 11 extra "+" is appended to end of string which does not evaluate properly. I suggest:

Evaluate( Left( Substitute (list;¶;"+") ; Length ( list ) -1 ) )


List is delimited by ¶ and Sum function does not work.
Tom Fitch   Tom Fitch
May 25, 2011
@Martin - There's nothing inherently wrong with unin's function, it just assumes a proper list. It's the LeftValues and RightValues functions that are appending the carriage return.

@unin - That is so cool!
Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams, Augusto Digital
Jan 13, 2021
There is now a conflict with the List function, had to change the parameter from "list" to "_list". I suppose that "theList" would also work. Thank you for this function, works like a dream!

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