Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

USStateName ( StateAbbrev )

Converts the Postal Code of a US State to its two-letter Postal abbreviation

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Eric Troedsson   Eric Troedsson
NC Credit Repair

  Sample input:
StateAbbrev = USStateName
  Sample output:
NC=North Carolina

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

We use this function often in our credit repair business' custom-built FileMaker application when generating documentation for the client. A simple but useful function. Thanks!



David Head   David Head, uLearnIT
Feb 16, 2010
The syntax of this CF is incorrect:

USStateName ( StateAbbrev ; StateFullName )

You obviously do not need to supply the StateFullName to receive it as output!

Correct syntax would be:

USStateName ( StateAbbrev )
David Head   David Head, uLearnIT
Feb 16, 2010
A problem with this CF is that no error condition is passed. What happens if I enter AB as a state abbreviation - no result. There should at least be some default condition to indicate an error has occurred.
Eric Troedsson   Eric Troedsson, Durham, NC
Feb 17, 2010
Please feel free to modify as needed. Works for what we require, 'nuff said.
comment   comment, VR
Feb 17, 2010
The problem with this function is that it isn't a function at all. It's a table of data.
Michael Rhodes   Michael Rhodes, Rancho Cucamonga
Dec 26, 2010
Thanks for saving me the typing!

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