PositionCSE ( Text ; TextToSearch ; Start ; Occurrence )
Same as PositionCS, but without any limitation. Slower!
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Christian Jäger contact: cjaeger @ www.fmforums.com Hannover, Germany |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
see PositionCS. This function works alsways, since the marker string is not fixed.
It generates a random marker string, checks if it's already contained, and if yes, simply calls the function again. Note, however, that this function takes longer to compute, which can be an issue with large databases. So rather choose your marker string appropriately ...
Maybe someone volunteers to compiles a list of FMP7 functions which are Case-Insensitive & writes a ..CS and ..CSE version of all of them ???
Se also PatternCountCS.
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by BrianDunning.com. Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.