Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

RemoveCommonValues ( Array ; ComparisonArray )

Filter array by comparison array to remove the common values

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Bob Kalus   Bob Kalus

  Sample input:
RemoveCommonValues ( 1¶2¶3¶4¶5¶6¶7¶;2¶4¶6¶8¶10¶12¶14¶ )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Function removes the values an array has in common with a second array. I found I needed this function to check that two fields used as a multikey for a relationship (first field in equijoin, second field in a non-equijoin) are mutually exclusive.



Erik Jutzi   Erik Jutzi, Germany
Mar 13, 2010
Hi Bob,
very good function, just searched for this functionality to subtract lists from each other to get an exclusive list.
I jut want to say, that I removed the "& ¶" after leftValues(Array;1) in the 5th line. This creates no empty lines in the result list

Vincent Robinson   Vincent Robinson, San Francisco
Sep 7, 2012

As Erik notes, very useful. To be precise, I notice it returns the left-hand complement. That is, if you run

RemoveCommonValues ("1¶2¶3"; "2¶3¶4")

the return value is "1" (not, "1¶4").

This is fine -- just means you have to run it twice, with the arrays in reverse order, to get the complete complementary set. Doing so, and concatenating with FilterValues on the same pair of arrays gives you the index of the combined arrays -- nice! Needless to say, this could itself be written as a custom function.


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