Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

PatternCountCS ( Text ; TextToSearchFor )

Same as PositionCS, but without any limitation. Slower!

  Average rating: 4.3 (35 votes) Log in to vote

Christian Jäger   Christian Jäger
contact: cjaeger @
Hannover, Germany

  Sample input:
  Sample output:
(not 6 !!!)

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

see also PositionCS() and PositionCSE().

I have also written an ASCII-Coder:
which work using the same technique enploying all 256 characters (one Exception: #00 needs to be pasted into a global. It cannot be used in FileMaker 7s calculations nor in a evaluated field without FileMaker crashing. So I just reference the global "NULL" in Num2Char()'s output
However, this cannot be shown here - I will post a sample file at soon.



databaser   databaser, CA
Dec 15, 2011
I wanted to use this but it doesn't work.

It's missing the second parameter in the replace function. When I put '1' for this, it doesn't work. It seems to give '1' as the result no matter what.

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