Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

WebTitle ( webviewer )

This CF specifically returns the Title of a webpage from a webviewer object

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Ivan Satya   Ivan Satya

  Sample input:
WebTitle ( "Browser_01" )

Example Note:
a webviewer named as "Browser_01" is showing a web page with the title "Filemaker Pro Custom Functions"
  Sample output:
"FileMaker Pro Custom Functions"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

A simple and specific custom function which quickly returns the Title of a webpage from a webviewer object.

All you have to do is just assign an object name for each webviewer you wish to get the HTML page Title from and append it into the CF.



David Head   David Head, uLearnIT
Mar 28, 2010
I submit this as being a more understandable and expandable structure. Users may want to modify this into more general WebContent CF by incorporating the factor to be extracted (e.g. title) as a function parameter.

Let ([
webcontent = GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( webviewer ; "content");
searchstring = "title>";
startpos = Position ( webcontent ; "<" & searchstring ; 1 ; 1 ) + Length ( "<" & searchstring );
endpos = Position ( webcontent ; "</" & searchstring ; 1 ; 1 )
Middle ( webcontent ; startpos ; endpos - startpos )
Ivan S.   Ivan S., Jkt
Apr 11, 2010
Hi David,

Thanks for submitting your version. You did indeed made it more expandable and much more understandable for the users.

I promise I'll tidy up my next CF submissions ...


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