Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

NthDayOfWeek ( MyDate )

NthDayOfWeek returns the occurence of the weekday of AValue in the month. // Ceiling ( Day ( date ) / 7 )

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Mehmet KAYA   Mehmet KAYA
Beyaz Bilgisayar

  Sample input:
#NthDayOfWeek ( 24.04.1997 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Bir günün haftanın kaçıncı günü olduğunun rakamsal değerini verir / NthDayOfWeek returns the occurence of the weekday of AValue in the month. This is the N-th time that this weekday occurs in the month (e.g. the third saturday of the month) // Ceiling ( Day ( date ) / 7 ) is a same.



Tahsin Beyazit   Tahsin Beyazit, Turkey
Apr 5, 2010
Ä°t is realy usefull. Filemaker must inculude this fiction in the DATE fictions.
comment   comment, VR
Apr 5, 2010
How about:

Ceiling ( Day ( date ) / 7 )
Anni Mesman   Anni Mesman, Finland
Apr 6, 2010
Ceiling ( Day ( date ) / 7 ) realy good.. easy end agressive solition. Nice...

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