Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

AS_Dialog_Choose_From_List ( theList ; window_title ; message ; allow_multiple ; allow_empty ; default_items ; OK_button_name ; result_field )

creates a dialog with a chooser list to choose one or multiple items

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Thomas Siebert   Thomas Siebert - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
Perform AppleScript [
AS_Choose_from_List ( "Germany¶USA¶India¶France¶Spain¶Japan¶China" ; "The List" ; "Please select your favorites" ; 1 ; 0 ; "India¶France" ; OK_button_name ; "" ) ]
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

creates a dialog with a chooser list
returning a list of the choosed values to a FileMaker text field
returning "false" if nothing choosed or canceled

theList = a list you want to choose from. For instance: "Germany¶USA¶India¶France¶Spain¶Japan¶China".
message = a message to the user.
allow_multiple = 1 or "true" to activate choosing of multiple items of the list via the command key.
allow_empty = 1 or "true" to allow not to choose an item.
default_items = pre select items as default
OK_button_name = give a name to the OK button (usually "OK")
result_field = the FileMaker field to return the result ( table::field ) using the current record.

Use the ScriptStep "Perform AppleScript" using the option "Calculated AppleScript"
You also shall use "Perform AppleScript" directly from a button.



Geoff Fairchild   Geoff Fairchild, Columbus, Ohio
May 19, 2016
I tried this out using MacOS 10.11.5 (El Capitan) and FileMaker Pro Advanced 9 and I can see some great potential for its use in my work. I displays perfectly fine, but apparently I do not have a ''GetFieldName' function in my version of FileMaker, so the declaration below fails. Is there some way around this ?

result_field = Substitute ( GetFieldName ( result_field ) ; "::" ; ¶ )
Thomas Siebert   Thomas Siebert
May 19, 2016
try this:

In the function parameter you shall write the field name in brackets:

alter the formular for result_field without using GetFieldName:

result_field = Substitute ( result_field ; "::" ; ¶ ) ;
Thomas Siebert   Thomas Siebert
May 19, 2016
sorry, in my last post I wrote "brackets" but I ment "quotation marks"
Thomas Siebert   Thomas Siebert
May 20, 2016
I rewrote most of the function.

everything is calculated within the AppleScript now, except "Get ( FileName )" "Quote ( text )" and "GetFieldName ( result_field )"

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