Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Converts an amount from number to text in Portuguese

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Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres - Show more from this author
Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.

  Sample input:
NumToText_Por (123.45, "Euros" , "a pagar" )
  Sample output:
cento vinte e três Euros 45/100 a pagar.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function can be used to express amounts in text for invoices or any other administrative document.



panos   panos, greece
Apr 6, 2010
what is this???????????
in english exept currency
Monto ; Currency ; Sufijo
Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Apr 6, 2010
Monto is amount, sufijo is suffix.

Why are you so bothered?.

This is a modification of a CF to calculate text in spanish so it is meant for spanish readers.

If you don't like spanish you can substitute the parameters for greek words and it will work anyway.
panos   panos, greece
Apr 7, 2010
OK I change all in Greek language
but tell me can I use one field
for exable Monto (amount)
Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Apr 7, 2010
When you use this CF the parameters are the values you put into the function to get a result.

For example:

Monto = 123.45
Currency = "USD"
Sufijo = " - Thanks for your purchase."

The result is:


Of course, all of this in portuguese. I used english so you could understand the principle.

Now, if you want to change the word "Monto" for "Amount" or "Ποσό" you have to go all the way through the function and replace the word "Monto". The same for the rest of the parameters.

The result will be the same.

Please let me know if this solves your problem. Yo can write directly to my inbox:

PANOS   PANOS, Salonica GREECE (Europe)
Apr 7, 2010
Thanks so much, all it's ok, I change everythink in Greek language which belongs in European community, I have change only the words of numbers for exable "cento" in "εκατό"
etc. Also I cut some word of numbers because appeared two times as follow
for (13) δεκατρία I put (10) δέκα and the (3) τρια get it correctly !!!
I put up a trillion and all it;s ok
Tell me "cen" what meens?
Is similar to the one hundred ?
Thanks again
Panos Trifidis
SV2YJ Radio Amateur

Case ( N02 = 1 and N03 = 0 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 1 ; "ένδεκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 2 ; "δώδεκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 3 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 4 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 5 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 6 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 7 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 8 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 1 and N03 = 9 ; "δέκα " ;
N02 = 2 and N03 = 0 ; "είκοσι " ;
N02 = 3 and N03 = 0 ; "τριάντα " ;
N02 = 4 and N03 = 0 ; "σαράντα " ;
N02 = 5 and N03 = 0 ; "πενήντα " ;
N02 = 6 and N03 = 0 ; "εξήντα " ;
N02 = 7 and N03 = 0 ; "εβδομήντα " ;
N02 = 8 and N03 = 0 ; "ογδόντα " ;
N02 = 9 and N03 = 0 ; "εννενήντα " ;
N02 = 2 ; "είκοσι " ;
N02 = 3 ; "τριάντα " ;
Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Apr 7, 2010
Hi Panos

Yes, both mean "hundred". This is because in spanish and portuguese the number 100 is named "cien" or "cen" in portuguese and any other number but 100 is named "ciento" or "cento" in portuguese.

For example: 123 is named "ciento veintitres" and in portuguese is named "cento e vinte e três".

In spanish, for the 20's there is a contraction and instead of naming 23 as veinte y tres is named veintitres.

Please send me your finished calculation. I'm working in a multi language version of my ERP and though greek was not one of my first choices after spanish is always good to have some of the hard work already solved.

Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Apr 7, 2010
By the way, numbers 11 to 20 are "repeated" because they have special names in spanish and portuguese. It's like eleven for 11, instead of ten and one...
PANOS   PANOS, Salonica GREECE (Europe)
Apr 8, 2010
Hi Ibrahim,
I sent you via e-mail your function
in Greek. Your function works excellent
Thanks again
Apr 13, 2010
You predicted for negative numbers ?
when appears a negative result?
Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Apr 13, 2010
Not really. Is very unlikely that you want to express a negative number in text.

Anyway, what you can do is to check if the amount < 0 and add a "-" sign or the word "minus" before the final calculation.

Shouldn't be a problem.


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