Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

AddRemoveListItems ( theList ; thevalues )

Add or remove item from list, also remove empty lines

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Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
AddRemoveListItems( "¶a¶¶¶¶¶¶7¶6¶¶B¶¶"; "x")
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

AddRemoveListItems (theList; theValues)
Adapted from function by: David Head, uLearnIT
theList: standard return separated list
theValues: text

This function will add an item to a list if it does not already exist; otherwise the item is removed from the list

Always removes empty lines from list, including leading/trailing returns

Simply remove empty lines from list:
AddRemoveListItems ( theList; "")

Recursive: theValues can be a list of values, each will be processed in sequence.



Orhan   Orhan, Munich
Nov 5, 2013

can you change it for me please generate the list instead this form


in this please: a, 7, 6, B, x...

also in Horizontal form with ", " seperated

thanks so mutch
Jens Rasmussen   Jens Rasmussen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe
Dec 12, 2013
To do that, simply write this calculation:
newResult =
Substitute ( originalResult ; "¶" ; ", " )

karmjit   karmjit, perth, WA
Dec 9, 2014
I'm using this function so that the user selects values (from within a portal) and i build a list from the selected. I then use the above function to add or remove this list from an existing list. I have found that if the user selects the last value in the portal, it doesn't work even though i have a valid list. I simply get a ? displayed.

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