Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ApplescriptGetURL ( URLtoGet ; FieldtoSet )

Getting a web page via Applescript

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Jim Main   Jim Main
Main Solutions

  Sample input:
ApplescriptGetURL ( ""; "ResultField" )
  Sample output:

MacInTouch Home Page...

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

You can use plugins to download a web page to a field, or you can use Applescripting on the Mac. Using the custom functions gives you a centralized place to store the Applescript without having to create a special calculation field.



Edward   Edward
Aug 19, 2010
The CF's syntax is quite wrong. I copied and pasted it into FM Pro Advanced v.10 and had to change the syntax around in order to have it working.

Another useful AppleScript using the shell command "Curl" is:

set the_source to do shell script "curl <-your url here->"
"set the clipboard to the_source"

Copy the 2 lines above into Script Editor, change the <-your url here-> to an actual URL (this page, for example), and you will see the results.

This AS actually copies the URL's HTML code into the clipboard, which can be pasted into a solution's field via the "paste" script.

Happy Applescripting

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