Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


A CF to show all Hex Code Colors inside Webviewer.

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Edward Souza   Edward Souza
Duana A.S. Designs, LLC - Nossoestudio

  Sample input:
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

A CF that shows all Hex Code Colors inside Webviewer.
Works well if Webviewer's dimensions are set to 420 pxls (w) by 166 pxls (h).



Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Sep 15, 2010
Why the statement "Mac only" ?
There is nothing Mac-specific about your function.
Edward Souza   Edward Souza, Victoria, BC, CA
Sep 16, 2010
Mr. Robertson,

I hope this answer finds you well.

I was taught that Data Scheme such as "data:text/html," was Mac-only. Since I haven't worked with Windows for a long while, I never checked the validity of this information.
As it turns out, after a fast research, I found out that
"data scheme is supported by Opera 7.20 and above, as well as Safari and Konqueror. Internet Explorer 7 and below, however, do not currently support it. Internet Explorer 8 and above only supports data URIs for images in CSS" (

Thank you for the remark; I have changed the statement already.
All the best.
Daniele Raybaudi   Daniele Raybaudi, ACI
Sep 17, 2010
no need of so many escaped quotes.

Substitute all occurences of \" with a single '
Edward Souza   Edward Souza, Victoria, BC, CA
Sep 17, 2010
Ciao. Daniele,

Tutto bene? I truly hope everything is well with you.
You are right; the CF could've been written with single quotes instead of back-slashed double-quotes.
However, since I'm a "user who likes to develop" :-), I write and share Custom Functions also for others like me: those who analyze codes in order to understand them and learn. That's the reason I sometimes write functions that look so "pedagogic". :-)
Thanks for your remark, though; I'll leave as it is for now then change it in a week or so.

Uno abraccio,

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