ImportoInLettere ( importo )
Re-writes amounts in words in Italian language (1/3)
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Federico Severin - Show more from this author
Sevesoftware Engineering |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
// IMPORTANT: you need also ImportoInLettereRicorsiva
// Given a number - in format xxxxxxxxxx,yy - translate in letters the integer part xxxxxxxxxx and append /yy (in numbers) at the end
// This is the way amounts are re-written in Italy to spell the number and check the correctness.
// It exploits a recursive function, that provides the litteral translation of the integer part.
// The second parameter of ImportoInLettereRicorsiva, that indicates the position (and so the value) of digits, at the beginning is 0.
Dichiara (
parteIntera = Tronca ( importo ; 0 );
parteDecimale = ( Arrotonda ( importo ; 2 ) - parteIntera ) * 100
ImportoInLettereRicorsiva ( parteIntera ; 0 ) & "/" & Casi ( parteDecimale = 0 ; "00"; parteDecimale < 10 ; "0" & parteDecimale ; parteDecimale )
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