Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

areaCalcsByCoords ( xlist ; ylist )

Calculates the area within any shape defined by a series of coordinates.

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Bill Holt   Bill Holt

  Sample input:
areaCalcsByCoords ( xlist ; ylist )

where: xlist = 12 24 32 15 12
and ylist = 0 14 29 5 0
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function returns the area within any shape defined by X and Y coordinate lists. Another custom function is listed on this site which uses the same math technique. I'm sharing this one to demonstrate a technique I find useful. By breaking the logic into three parts - initial, final and repetitive - a CF can be used to emulate a looping behavior, much like you can do with a language like Fortran. Multiple branches can be developed which allow the CF to tackle very complex issues.



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