Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ErrorToEnglish ( ErrorNum )

Translate FileMaker error codes to the English language description. Updated for 17. Includes legacy codes.

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Jeremiah Small   Jeremiah Small - Show more from this author
Soliant Consulting, Inc.

  Sample input:
ErrorToEnglish ( 6 )
  Sample output:
File is read-only

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This is an easy way to simplify error handling. Simply pass the trapped error to this function and it returns something a human can (sort of) understand. Great for simplifying account management scripts or other complex scripts where you need to trap for errors often.



Jeremiah   Jeremiah, Los Angeles
Apr 14, 2009
On 2009-04-14 I Added FM 10 Error Codes. (Actually, I just re-parsed the entire listing from the FM 10 help text as shown here )

Ralph Nusser   Ralph Nusser, Sogetes FileMaker-Services
Apr 14, 2011
FileMaker Knowledgebase
FileMaker Server Event Log Messages

Last Updated: Apr 12, 2011 04:03 PM PDT
Jeremiah   Jeremiah, Los Angeles
Aug 13, 2012
Updated for FileMaker 12.
Jeremiah Small   Jeremiah Small, Soliant Consulting, Inc.
Aug 16, 2012
As of now, pro-12-error-code-reference-guide is missing at least two errors:

ErrorNum = 959; "Custom Web Publishing technology disabled (CWP)";
ErrorNum = 960; "Parameter is invalid (CWP)";

These have just been added to the function.
kala cesario   kala cesario, Los Angeles
Feb 13, 2016
my business was needing USPS PS 1583 earlier today and encountered an online platform with an online forms database . If people want USPS PS 1583 too , here's a
Jeremiah Small   Jeremiah Small, Soliant Consulting, Inc.
Aug 20, 2018
This function has been updated for FileMaker 17. See function docblock for change log.
Witschi   Witschi, Medio-Ingeno AG
Aug 31, 2022
As of version 19 the following error codes were added to FileMaker

ErrorNum = 219; "Cannot open file; must be licensed user; contact team manager"
ErrorNum = 870; "Cannot modify file because another user is modifying it"
ErrorNum = 871; "Error occurred loading Core ML model"
ErrorNum = 872; "Core ML model was not loaded because it contained an unsupported input or output parameter"
ErrorNum = 1415; "Connection is being disconnected (ODBC)"
ErrorNum = 1700; "Resource doesn’t exist"
ErrorNum = 1701; "Host is currently unable to receive requests"
ErrorNum = 1702; "Authentication information wasn’t provided in the correct format; verify the value of the Authorization header"
ErrorNum = 1703; "Invalid username or password, or JSON Web Token"
ErrorNum = 1704; "Resource doesn’t support the specified HTTP verb"
ErrorNum = 1705; "Required HTTP header wasn’t specified"
ErrorNum = 1706; "Parameter isn’t supported"
ErrorNum = 1707; "Required parameter wasn’t specified in the request"
ErrorNum = 1708; "Parameter value is invalid"
ErrorNum = 1709; "Operation is invalid for the resource’s current status"
ErrorNum = 1710; "JSON input isn’t syntactically valid"
ErrorNum = 1711; "Host’s license has expired"
ErrorNum = 1712; "Private key file already exists; remove it and run the command again"
ErrorNum = 1713; "The API request is not supported for this operating system"
ErrorNum = 1714; "External group name is invalid"
ErrorNum = 1715; "External server account sign-in is not enabled"

(see )
Witschi   Witschi, Medio-Ingeno AG
Aug 31, 2022
I missed the trailing ; in above lines

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