Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GotoFieldByName ( FieldName )

lets you goto a field by name, uses Applesctipt

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Ryan Grgurich   Ryan Grgurich
CRS Manufacturing, Inc.

  Sample input:
Use in Perform Applescript script step by calculation:

GotoFieldByName ( "Table::Field" )

Note: field name must be in quotes.
  Sample output:
Puts you with an active cursor at the end of Field on the currently active layout.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This is a function to use in the Perform Applescript Script Step by calculation. Stick the name of field you want to go to between quotes or a calculation of the field you want to goto and your there. If anyone wants to post the windows half of this to make it cross platform that would be great.



Dave Graham   Dave Graham, San Diego, CA
Nov 11, 2010
I'd suggest using the Go to Object script step instead, which is native and x-platform.
Ryan Grgurich   Ryan Grgurich, Northridge, CA
Nov 11, 2010
Objects are a bad idea in my situation. Assigning all those objects would be a ridicules script if you had 1000 different possible fields to go to in different tables. Not to mention all the time spent assigning objects. Then having to make sure every new field you add to the layout is assigned an object name. This is not intended to be used on a one field one table situation in the same way SetFieldByName () is not intended for a one field one table situation.
Ryan Grgurich   Ryan Grgurich, Northridge, CA
Nov 11, 2010
Actually error on my part, the script wouldn't be so bad just the layout work and maintenance.
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Nov 26, 2010
There is no need for the tell statement.
Regarding going to native named objects - true but then you need to add the labor of naming the objects.
Dorian Cougias   Dorian Cougias, Las Vegas
Jan 29, 2018
I'm getting a privilege violation when I try to run this.

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