Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FilterFileName ( text ; filetype )

filtering field contents as a file name when exporting record set to Excel or Acrobat file

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Michael Myett   Michael Myett - Show more from this author
FileMaker Apps

  Sample input:
Filter File Name ( team , 1 )
  Sample output:
red sox.xls

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

FileMaker allows you to export record sets to either an Excel or Acrobat file. If you are using a scripted export routine using some field contents as an automated file name, this function will filter any characters that would cause a illegal file name ( in windows ). This will avoid an error when running your script, by removing illegal characters.

For example, use the formula to set a variable in a script which exports a record set to an Excel or Acrobat file. The variable would create a filtered file name with illegal characters removed. This is good for Windows only. Sorry. I don't have access to a Mac to work that out and believe there are some different characters. Anyone who would like to add to this for Mac, feel free.

Make file type = 1 to add a Excel file extension to file name or file type = 2 for Adobe Acrobat file extension.



Sean   Sean, Private
Mar 3, 2011
I would change the second parameter to be the extension. That way this function could also be used when exporting container contents.
Denise   Denise, Boston
Mar 28, 2014
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!
Martin Pineault   Martin Pineault, f.i.SCIENCES Développement inc.
Oct 9, 2020
Missing the filename length maximum (32,767-ext) to trunk it. You won't believe what a user is capable of!

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