SeparatorInsert ( text ; separator )
V2. Returns the given text with the separator inserted between all chars.
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Andreas Thyholdt - Show more from this author
dbConsult AS |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Inserts any character or string as a separator between all characters in the text. I found it useful for displaying vertical text in HTML among other things.
Version 1 was based on DashInsert by Daniele Raybaudi with thanks.
Version 2 is identical to my own comment from March 16, 2011.
Daniele Raybaudi, ACI Feb 20, 2011 |
Hi at that time there was not the $var. Try: Let([ $i = $i + 1 ; char = Middle ( text ; $i ; 1 ) ]; Case( $i < Length ( text ) ; char & separator & Insert ( text ; separator ) ; Let( $i = "" ; Right ( text ; 1 ) ) ) ) |
Andreas Thyholdt, dbConsult AS Mar 7, 2011 |
After further reflection, there is a much simpler way to do this: Case(Length(text) > 1 ; Left(text;1) & separator & SeparatorInsert (Left(text;Length(text) -1 ); separator); text ) |
Andreas Thyholdt, dbConsult AS Mar 16, 2011 |
A typo snuck into the last comment, it should be: Case(Length(text) > 1 ; Left(text;1) & separator & SeparatorInsert (Right(text;Length(text) -1 ); separator); text ) |
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