Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

joinRepeatingVariable ( variableName ; delimiter ; startIndex ; endIndex )

Join / concatenate a repeating variable / array using a delimiter character

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Sam Barnum   Sam Barnum - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
joinRepeatingVariable("$$foo" ; ", " ; "" ; "")
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Join a repeating variable / array with a delimiter, using recursion.

If endIndex is not specified or is negative, the recursion will exit on the first empty element in the array. Otherwise, empty elements will be included in the results until endIndex is reached.



Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Mar 14, 2011
Also works for repeating fields!
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Mar 14, 2011
The CF assumes that N for $var[N] is positive. Actually (unlike repeating fields) it can be zero; or negative; though it must always be an integer. In practice I suppose negative or zero values for N are rare.
Sam Barnum   Sam Barnum, 360Works
Mar 14, 2011
Interesting point, Bruce. If this function were to support negative indices, the empty-arg approach would require a way to iterate backwards to find the first non-empty value. Currently if no startIndex is specified 1 is assumed.
David Walton   David Walton, Wellfleet, MA
Jun 27, 2011
Perfect. Thank you Sam!

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