Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

AGE ( BirthDate )

Calculate the correct Age :)

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meddved   meddved - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
AGE ( "14/04/1981" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function calculates the correct age.
Auto-correction for leap years.



comment   comment, VR
Apr 13, 2011
"This function calculates the correct age."

No, it doesn't: a person born in 1900-03-15 is not yet 100 years old in 2000-03-14.

Why not do the simple thing:

Year ( today ) - Year ( DOB ) -
( today < Date ( Month ( DOB ) ; Day ( DOB ) ; Year ( today ) ) )
Daniel A. Shockley   Daniel A. Shockley, New York, NY
May 4, 2011
Try the following instead:

It works, even on the birthday anniversaries and when dealing with leap years. It also gives you more detail and options, if desired.
David   David
Sep 21, 2016
thank you very much
It has been very useful for my application.
flusheDData   flusheDData, n/a
Dec 6, 2020
Why not the simplest Int ( ( Get ( CurrentDate ) - BirthDate ) / 365,25 ) ?
flusheDData   flusheDData, n/a
Dec 6, 2020
I answer myself. Because sometimes it does not work.
Eg.: for a BOD being 04/05/2008 and today being 04/05/2011 it gives 2 when it should be 3.
So for me the most simple calculation would be VR's

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