Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

terbilang ( number )

Change a number value into a TEXT in indonesian Rupiah

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Andrew   Andrew - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
where field number are contain 120000

  Sample output:
Seratus Dua Puluh Ribu Rupiah

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Latest version - Fix small typo where Number between 19.000.000 - 19.999.999 are wrongly spelled.

Change a number value into a TEXT in indonesian Rupiah, Great to use for Billing.



comment   comment, VR
Apr 15, 2011
You have an undefined variable "angka" . I believe it should be the function parameter "number".

Also, there are simpler ways to extract digits, e.g.:

thousands = Mod ( Div ( number ; 10^3 ) ; 10^3 )
Walkspy   Walkspy, Jakarta/Indonesia
May 3, 2011
work well if you directly type numbers in "angka" field and has no decimal.

when "angka" filed is calculated value, should be use Floor, Ceiling or Round function.
Andrew   Andrew
May 6, 2011
Thanks For Comment, this is my first function, i'm still learning filemaker...i'm no programer but filemaker help me a lot... I will try to fix it latter

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