Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

formatN ( naturalNumber ; separator )

formats a natural number with thousand separators

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Martin Spanjaard   Martin Spanjaard - Show more from this author
Trias Digitaal

  Sample input:
formatN( 89123456789123456789 ; "." )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Recursive funtion to insert a separator (period or comma or whatever) between every 3 digits.
Expects a natural number, an integer > 0.

This custom function can be used as the heart of all sorts of number formatting functions, like my custom function 'formatAmount'



Martin Spanjaard   Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal
May 26, 2011
Stupid forgot the separator in the recursion, it should be:

N = GetAsText( naturalNumber ) ;
l = Length( N )
l > 3
// as long as the length is greater then 3,
// keep adding a separator before(!)
// every three digits
; FormatN( Left( N ; l - 3 ) ; seprator )
& separator
& Right( N ; 3 )
// add the remaining digits to the front
// of the formatted number
; N
Agnès   Agnès, France
May 26, 2011

without recursive, you can use
NumToJText ( Number ; 1; 0 ) and substitute the coma whit your separator

If you whant to control décimal you can saw this code :

Substitute (
NumToJText ( int ( nbr ) ; 1; 0 ) ; "," ; sep ) & nbr - int ( nbr )
Miguel Angel Fernández   Miguel Angel Fernández, León / Spain
Nov 8, 2013
I've modified your custom function in order to allow decimals (comma separated)
D = Case ( PatternCount ( naturalNumber ; "," ) ; Right ( naturalNumber ; Length ( naturalNumber ) - Position ( naturalNumber ; "," ; 1 ; 1 ) + 1 ) ) ; // get the decimal part
N = Left ( GetAsText( naturalNumber ) ; Length ( naturalNumber ) - Length ( D ) ) ; // natural number without the decimal part
l = Length( N )
l > 3
// as long as the length is greater then 3,
// keep adding a separator before(!)
// every three digits
; FormatN( Left( N ; l - 3 ) ; separator )
& separator
& Right( N ; 3 ) & D // and the decimal part if it exists
// add the remaining digits to the front
// of the formatted number
; N & D // and the decimal part if it exists
// 26-05-2011, Martin Spanjaard, Trias DigitaalFormatN
// 09-11-2013, Modified by Miguel Ángel Fernández to allow natural numbers with decimals
Martin Spanjaard   Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal
Nov 12, 2013
My own version of this was the following, which I think is a bit more elegant.

FormatAmount( amount ; decimalSeparator ) =


[ sign = Case( amount < 0 ; "-" )
; amount = Abs( amount )
; separator = Case( decimalSeparator = "." ; "." ; "," )
; decimals = Right( "00" & ( Round( amount ; 2 ) * 100 ) ; 2 )
; amount = FormatN( Int( amount ) )

sign & amount & separator & decimals

// If the decimalSeparator is empty, it's a comma by default
// 26-05-2011, Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal

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