isFirstRecordWithValue ( sortedBy )
Used to hilite the first record of a given value in a sorted list of records.
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Max Heller - Show more from this author
fmax software |
isFirstRecordWithValue ( getFieldName ( data::Fruit ) )
Records Number: Fruit | Amount
1: Apples | 4
2: Apples | 2
3: Bananas | 3
4: Bananas | 2
5: Bananas | 3
6: Pears | 2
1: True
2: False
3: True
4: False
5: False
6: True
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
You can use this with custom formatting on a sorted list of records to identify the first record in each grouped set to hilight or otherwise distinguish between the groups of values.
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