DistanceList ( BaseLat ; BaseLong ; ListOfLatLongIdentifiers ; Delimiter ; Units ; SortableDistance )
Prefixes a Value List containing Latitude, Longitude, and an Identifier with the Distance to the Base Lat, Long
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Hal Gumbert - Show more from this author
CampSoftware http://www.campsoftware.com |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
DistanceList ( BaseLat ; BaseLong ; ListOfLatLongIdentifiers ; Delimiter ; Units ; SortableDistance )
By Hal Gumbert, CampSoftware.com
BaseLat: The base Latitude to Compare against.
BaseLong: The base Longitude to Compare against.
ListOfLatLongIdentifiers: The list of values containing a Latitude, Longitude, and any identifying text separated by a Delimiter.
Delimiter: The character(s) used to seperate values in the list.
Units: Accepts "radians", "nm", "km" and "miles".
SortableDistance = Accepts 1 or 0. Passing 1 will prefix the integer portion of the distance with zeros so the list values can be sorted with another custom function.
Requires: Distance ( Lat1 ; Lon1 ; Lat2 ; Lon2 ; Units ) from Vaughan Bromfield, Vaughan Bromfield Design available at http://www.briandunning.com/cf/143
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