AS_FolderPathListing ( _resultTOGlobalCellName ; _folderPath ; _extensionVL )
MAC ONLY. Generates Applescript to obtain folder listing & returns result as ValueList.
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ThomasSeidler - Show more from this author
The Good Book Company Ltd |
Perform Applescript ( AS_FolderPathListing ( "/Macintosh HD/User/Shared/tmp/" ; "" ; "" ) )
[If _resultTOGlobalCellName blank, the result will be set to clipboard, so pasting into field is the option]
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
_resultTOGlobalCellName must be the full reference (i.e. including TO) for a global field.
29 Sept 2011 - updated to handle file extension value list filter. By default unfiltered.
Bruce Robertson Sep 15, 2011 |
Regarding having the field on the layout - I strongly prefer to use global fields to receive applescript results. Global fields do NOT need to be on the layout and do not need a reference to the current record. You only need a table (table occurrence) reference. Example: set cell "gResult" of table "Contacts" to "whatever" |
Thomas Seidler, London, UK Sep 16, 2011 |
Nice Bruce! As ever I can always learn from you, that's much much better. Yes, so we switch to global fields and away! Thank you sir! I will make the corrections to the function shortly... | ||
Ian Mazursky, New Rochelle, NY Sep 26, 2011 |
Hi Thomas! Thanks for the CF. I was wondering if it was possible to extend it to list subfolders also? Thanks, Ian |
Thomas Seidler, London, UK Sep 27, 2011 |
hi Ian, that's easily done within FM itself. Just create a loop that does it... gets listing for folderPath, then for each member of listing, requests listing with path folderPath & member. And so on... How would you want the data ideally? Value list of strings? It can be done, might hack it at some point if i find a need. If someone else wants to and submits code to me, i'll alter and give credit. That's an old way, apparently tis easier now. But no time... |
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