Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

BusinessDays ( startDate ; endDate )

Returns the number of business days between two dates (inclusive)

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Jeremy Bante   Jeremy Bante

  Sample input:
BusinessDays ( Date ( 11 ; 10 ; 2011 ) ; Date ( 11 ; 30 ; 2012 ) )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function returns the number of business days (non-holiday weekdays) between startDate and endDate (including both startDate and endDate).

This function is dependent on the BusinessHolidays ( calendarYear ) function to produce a list of observed holidays in a given year.



Brian Rich   Brian Rich, Hampshire UK
Feb 22, 2012
Business Days() imposes a severe performance hit of several seconds if the startDate parameter is empty, and returns a ? as the result.

I added a case statement to a modified version of the function so that if the startDate or endDate are empty, or the endDate<startDate, the function returns a null value and doesn't try to evaluate - viz:


Let ...


Jeremy Bante   Jeremy Bante, USA
Feb 22, 2012
Thank you for letting me know. Normally I prefer to let the consequences of bad input filter through, but performance is different. I opted to return "?" rather than null to be consistent with error behavior for FileMaker-native functions.
aruna   aruna, india
Nov 29, 2013
can i have coding for buisness days function?
Thiyagarajan   Thiyagarajan, Test
Nov 12, 2018
We have weekly holidays Friday and Saturday. Where I need to change the condition in this custom function ?. Please advise.
Michael Ghesquiere   Michael Ghesquiere
Feb 24, 2022
Inconsistent results?

This is what I pass to the function:

Set Variable [ $BeginningTS; Value:GetAsTimestamp ( "02/21/2022 08:25 AM" ) ]
Set Variable [ $EndingTS; Value:GetAsTimestamp ( "02/22/2022 10:47 AM" ) ]

// Set Variable [ $BeginningTS; Value:GetAsTimestamp ( "02/23/2022 9:28 AM" ) ]
// Set Variable [ $EndingTS; Value:GetAsTimestamp ( "02/24/2022 11:33 AM" ) ]

#Calculate number of business hours between two timestamps
Set Variable [ $Beg_Date; Value:GetAsDate ( $BeginningTS ) ]
Set Variable [ $End_Date; Value:GetAsDate ( $EndingTS ) ]
Set Variable [ $BusinessDaysLapse; Value:BusinessDays ( GetAsDate ( $Beg_Date ) ; GetAsDate ( $End_Date ) ) ]

Passing the two sets of variables results in two different results. The Feb 21, 22 returns 1, and the Feb 23, 24 returns 2.

Can anyone explain the difference between the two executions?


Michael Ghesquiere   Michael Ghesquiere
Feb 24, 2022
ROFL, 5 min after posting.... Feb 21 is a holiday! 2 hours wasted. Please disregard.

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