Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ClearRepeatingVariable ( variableName ; startIndex ; endIndex )

Clears a range of repetitions for a specified variable

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Kevin Frank   Kevin Frank - Show more from this author
Kevin Frank & Associates

  Sample input:
ClearRepeatingVariable ( "$$test" ; 1 ; 3 )
  Sample output:
None... but if $$test, $$test[2] and $$test[3] existed previously, they no longer will.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

I recently found myself needing to clear a whole bunch of repeating variables, and wrote this CF to make my life easier.



Bob   Bob
Dec 8, 2011

If I

ClearRepeatingVariable ( "$$test" ; 3 ; 1 )

that would only clear rep 3?
Kevin Frank   Kevin Frank, Kevin Frank & Associates
Dec 8, 2011
ClearRepeatingVariable ( "$$test" ; 3 ; 3 )
Howard Schlossberg   Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
Aug 14, 2015
Thanks for this, Kevin. I tweaked it slightly to meet my current need, which is that I don't KNOW what my endIndex is. I DO know that there will never be blanks, so I added an option so that it will keep clearing repetitions until it gets to the first blank and it can then assume it is at the end. A simple change that may be helpful to someone...

/* Howard added: if endIndex = "end" then keep going until the FIRST blank repetition */

Let ( startIndex = Max ( 1 ; startIndex ) ;

Evaluate ( "Let ( " & variableName & "[" & startIndex & "] = \"\" ; \"\" )" ) &

Case (
endIndex < 0 and endIndex <> "end" ; "" ;
endIndex ≥ 0 and startIndex ≥ endIndex ; "" ;
endIndex = "end" and IsEmpty( Evaluate( variableName & "[" & startIndex+1 & "]" ) ) ; "" ;
ClearRepeatingVariable ( variableName ; startIndex + 1 ; endIndex )


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