Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

BuildRSSFeed ( rssTitle ; rssPubDate ; IDLink ; rssLink ; rssDescription ; rssXMLurl ; rssEnclosure )

The easiest way to build RSS Feeds

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Roger Biel   Roger Biel
2Geckos Consulting, LLC

  Sample input:
BuildRSSFeed( rssTitle ; rssPubDate ; IDLink ; rssLink ; rssDescription ; rssXMLurl ; rssEnclosure )
  Sample output:
returns RSS Feed ready for publishing

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

There are many ways to publish RSS Feeds but this is the simple way.
Enter the information and a valid RSS feed will be generated.

The first time the function is exicuted it creates the RSS Header, then with a script loop add the information for each feed item, when complete execute the funtion with no parameters to add the footer to the RSS Feed.

I use CNS FTPiT to upload the feed to the web.
if the default values are refferenced then fewer command line options are needed.

I use this function in any application that needs to report results to others.



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