Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

YearValues ( Year1, Year2 )

Generates a return delimited list of years for the given range.

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Tim Cimbura   Tim Cimbura - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
YearValues ( 2001, 2006)
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

YearValues generates a return delimited list of years for the given range. It does not care if the first year is higher than the second. It will calculate the range in either direction. If one value is invalid or null, it will return the other. This makes it useful for filtering a portal, so a user only has to enter one year of the two.



Mar 25, 2012
What is it that would be considered a "Bad year" as defined by the IsValid function? You can enter "A" as a year and that is considered "valid"! But it doesn't return sensible results. This is not correct usage of the IsValid function.
Alex Bassin   Alex Bassin, SYNAP
Aug 29, 2019
Check out a months and Year Calc as well

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