Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

CF_Generate_QR_Barcode ( Text ; Size ; Encoding )

Converts a string into a QR code using the Google API

  Average rating: 4.6 (27 votes) Log in to vote

Patrick Weh   Patrick Weh

  Sample input:
CF_Generate_QR_Barcode ( "just a test" ; 500 ; "UTF-8" )
  Sample output:
A png showing the text as QR Code

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Troi File Plugin 5.0 or higher is Required to do the shell but you can also change it to work with applescript or any other plugin that can execute shell commands.

The function is using the Google Chart Api.
Description can be found here:

The image can be inserted into a container by using

Go to Field [ Conatiner ]
Set Variable [ $Return_of_CF ; CF_Generate_QR_Barcode ( "Example" ; 500 ; "UTF-8" ) ]
Insert Picture [ $Return_of_CF ]

Working on Mac only, sorry for that ;)



Peter   Peter, Zurich
Jun 26, 2018
Troi File Plugin 5.0 or higher is Required to do the shell but you can also change it to work with applescript or any other plugin that can execute shell commands.

The function is using the Google Chart Api.
Description can be found here:

The image can be inserted into a container by using

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