WordIndex ( valueList ; indexWord )
Word Index finder, Find word Index, Find word postion, finding word postion in list in filemaker.
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Nishant Kumar Mindfire Solutions http://www.mindfiresolutions.com/ |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This custom function is used for finding word postion/Index in new line seperated valuelist.
William Best, Seattle Apr 25, 2012 |
May be as useful without recursion Let( [n=Position(_list;_word;1;1);newlist=Left(_list;n)]; Case(n>0;PatternCount(newlist;"¶")+1;0) ) |
Nishant Kumar, Bhubaneswar Apr 26, 2012 |
Thanks william for your comment, I have also used this code this is the another possible way by which we can achive same functionality....I think Let( [n=Position(_list;_word;1;1);newlist=Left(_list;n)]; Case(n>0;Pattern Count(newlist;"¶")+1;0) ) This custom function might be here, I just finded another way of doing same thing that's why I submitted it here. |
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