Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FilenameContainer ( ContainerAsText )

Returns a FileMaker Container Field Filename.

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Hal Gumbert   Hal Gumbert - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
FilenameContainer ( Settings::LogoImage )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

// FilenameContainer ( ContainerAsText )
// Returns a FileMaker Container Field Filename.
// Hal Gumbert,



Sean   Sean, Private
Apr 28, 2012
Two things. One, this is apparently dependent upon another custom function witch isn't mentioned in the description. Two, why not use use GetAsText ( ContainerField )?
Hal Gumbert   Hal Gumbert, Orlando, FL
Apr 30, 2012
Hi Sean,

Sorry about the dependent functions. I should have mentioned that. These two should solve that problem:

You can't just use GetAsText for Containers that are stored externally in FileMaker 12 since it returns different values now.
scott morabito   scott morabito, boston
Sep 22, 2012
Couple of issues here.

There is no ValuesRemoveEmptyValues function, but there is a RemoveEmptyValues. Also there is no ValuesFind function but there is a FindValues function. For FindValues, you'll need ListIndex. Both FindValues and ListIndex use "list" parameter that FMP12 won't allow so they need to be renamed.
Tux   Tux, Montreal
Oct 4, 2013
Here's a waaaay easier method, works on local and remote container fields

filename = GetAsText(<Your Container Field>);
filename = Substitute(GetValue(filename ; 1) ; "remote:" ; "")
JF   JF, Montreal
Jan 7, 2015
Haaaa Merci Tux... je cherchais justement quelques chose de simple !!

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