Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

OutCarriage ( carriage )

Used to reformat "hard" carriage returns for outgoing emails in Mac Outlook

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Dwayne Wright   Dwayne Wright - Show more from this author
Dwayne Wright

  Sample input:
Difficult to show here, you have to try using the Send Mail script step using Outlook on a Mac.
  Sample output:
Puts in the hard carriage returns as originally intended by the developer.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Any calculation field that concantenates multiple fields with hard carriage returns. When used in the message body of FileMaker generated emails, causes a problem unless the html equivelant is used.



Alex Catt   Alex Catt
Sep 21, 2022
We are often confronted with the combination 'CRLF' and apparently Char(1000013) delivers this combo right away:
so if anyone is interested I replaced the "
" with Char(1000013) in the function above and I was able to use 'CRLF' without any use of external plugins.

Abs(Get ( SystemPlatform )) = 1; Substitute ( Carriage ; "¶" ; Char(1000013) );

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