Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

SetCell ( matrix ; row ; column ; value )

Sets matrix element at row, column to value

  Average rating: 3.9 (37 votes) Log in to vote

Ronald W. Satz   Ronald W. Satz
Transpower Corporation

  Sample input:
SetCell ( A ; 1 ; 3 ; 100)
  Sample output:
first row, third column of matrix A now has 100

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This is the dual function to The Shadow's GetCell custom matrix function. FileMaker does not have built-in matrix functions, so have to make our own custom functions.



Antonio   Antonio, Lombardi
Aug 23, 2013
I am newbie to Fm.
I a table of values to use in a Profit Loss statement.
This tables has category, value and month.
I would like to meke PL report with Category as rows and month as colum, and values as slots.
I tried to make a Script, but it was too big, with more than 600 slots.
A Matrix report would be great.
Does this function do the job?

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