ReConvertNumber ( RC ; number ; digits )
Number conversion
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Erich Schmidt - Show more from this author |
ReConvertNumber(0 ; "X000X0XX","0X")
ReConvertNumber(0 ; "1F","0123456789ABCDEF")
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
The function reconverts a number from an arbitrary numeral system to the decimal system.
This is in a certain way the inverse function of ConvertNumber. Assumed that the function call ConvertNumber("";d;n;digits) returns an x, then gives ReConvertNumber(0;x;digits) the value d.
The parameter "digits" determines the base of the used numeral system and must contain its figures in ascending order.
The parameter "number" is the number to be converted. If "number" contains figures that are not appear within "digits", the function returns a question mark.
If digits contains less than 2 characters a conversion from binary (with figures 0 and 1) is assumed.
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