Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Number of a weekday in a month ( DateOfMonth ; DayWeek )

This CF calculates the number of a week day in a given month

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Raul Basurco   Raul Basurco
Sistemas Expertos Peru

  Sample input:
Number of a weekday in a month ( 9/1/12 ; "Sundays" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Number of a weekday in a month ( 9/1/12 ; "Sundays" ) = 5
This means September 2012 has 5 sundays

This CF could be useful to calculate work days, holidays, etc.
Works in English and Spanish (as I live in Peru).

This CF has been partially translated to English and should work.



Nicole   Nicole, NY
Apr 17, 2013
Part of the custom function is labeled wrong and unless you know Spanish you wont be able to know how to fix it. Currently if your parameter is set to DayWeek like listed above it you will get an error when making the custom functiom. Where it says "dia de la semana" should actually be labeled as DayWeek
Nicole   Nicole, NY
Apr 17, 2013
Doesnt seem to work for year 2013

Perhaps this needs to be changed? Just dont know to what :P

Nº de días del mes = Abs ( ( Fecha - ( Date ( Month ( Fecha ) + 1 ; 1 ; Year ( Fecha ) ) - 1 ) ) - 1 ) ;
dougfan   dougfan, NYC
May 13, 2015
This calc is a mess; not sure it's even correct as-is, but I cleaned it up here...

If ( DateOfMonth = GetAsDate ( DateOfMonth ) and
PatternCount ( "Sunday¶Monday¶Tuesday¶Wednesday¶Thursday¶Friday¶Saturday" ; DayWeek ) = 1 ;

Let ( [

dte = Date ( Month ( DateOfMonth ) ; 1 ; Year ( DateOfMonth ) ) ;

mno = Abs ( ( dte - ( Date ( Month ( dte ) + 1 ; 1 ; Year ( dte ) ) - 1 ) ) - 1 ) ;

dno = DayOfWeek ( dte ) ;

sun = If ( dno = 1 and mno ≥ 29 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 7 and mno ≥ 30 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 6 and mno = 31 ; 5 ; 4 ) ) ) ;

mon = If ( dno = 2 and mno ≥ 29 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 1 and mno ≥ 30 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 7 and mno = 31 ; 5 ; 4 ) ) ) ;

tue = If ( dno = 3 and mno ≥ 29 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 2 and mno ≥ 30 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 1 and mno = 31 ; 5 ; 4 ) ) ) ;

wed = If ( dno = 4 and mno ≥ 29 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 3 and mno ≥ 30 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 2 and mno = 31 ; 5 ; 4 ) ) ) ;

thu = If ( dno = 5 and mno ≥ 29 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 4 and mno ≥ 30 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 3 and mno = 31 ; 5 ; 4 ) ) ) ;

fri = If ( dno = 6 and mno ≥ 29 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 5 and mno ≥ 30 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 4 and mno = 31 ; 5 ; 4 ) ) ) ;

sat = If ( dno = 7 and mno ≥ 29 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 6 and mno ≥ 30 ; 5 ;
If ( dno = 5 and mno = 31 ; 5 ; 4 ) ) ) ] ;

dougfan   dougfan, NYC
May 13, 2015's the last bit...

Case ( DayWeek = "Sunday" ; sun ;
DayWeek = "Monday" ; mon ;
DayWeek = "Tuesday" ; tue ;
DayWeek = "Wednesday" ; wed ;
DayWeek = "Thursday" ; thu ;
DayWeek = "Friday" ; fri ;
DayWeek = "Saturday" ; sat ;
"Error" ) ) ;

"Error" )

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