Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetPlatformName ( SysPlatform ; SysVersion ; AppVersion )

Returns the complete system platform and version in a more friendly output.

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Matt Larson   Matt Larson - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
GetPlatformName ( Get(SystemPlatform) , Get(SystemVersion) , Get(ApplicationVersion) )
  Sample output:
OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion
macOS 10.12.1 Sierra
Windows XP 64 Bit
Windows 8.1

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Handles Mac platform back to Mac OS X 10.0, Windows platform back to Windows 2000, iOS and WebDirect. If the Mac happens to be running on PowerPC, the text string " (PowerPC)" will be appended to the result. The FileMaker app version is necessary because that's the only way* to detect if the iOS device is an iPad.

*At least before the advent of the Get(Device) function, which premiered with FM 13.



John Farrell   John Farrell, Perth Australia
Oct 15, 2012
This does not cater for a Mac user with VMware/Parallels running Fmkr under Windows. Extend the case statement I guess is the solution.
HazMatt   HazMatt, Blaine, MN, USA
Oct 15, 2012
FileMaker has no way of detecting if it's running in a virtual machine. And why should it? It reports a Windows platform and that is just as true in a virtual environment as it is on a regular PC running Windows.
Eric   Eric, SJSU
Jun 8, 2014
Now that apple is at 10.10 10.10 reports Yosemite as puma... anyone know the fix?
HazMatt   HazMatt, Blaine, MN, USA
Jun 9, 2014
Early adopter, eh? I haven't touched Yosemite yet so I'm glad for the feedback. See version 1.2 of this custom function for the fix.
Michael Ashley   Michael Ashley, San Rafael
Sep 23, 2015
hello, thank you for this function, I use it in our solutions. I think it gives a nice feedback to the user and helps us with everything from managing records to troubleshooting.

I was having an issue with Windows 10 running on Parallels 11, so I made a small change.

SysPlatform = -2 and SysVersion > "10"; "Windows 10";

changing "=" to ">" works.

HazMatt   HazMatt, Blaine, MN, USA
Sep 23, 2015
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the feedback. :) I'm curious as to what FileMaker actually returns for Get(SystemVersion) on Windows 10? I didn't have access to Windows 10 myself (yet), so what I used was an educated guess on limited resources.

I see that Microsoft lists "10.0" as the version number here:

Dismayed that version numbers are still just… so… hard for Microsoft. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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