Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

HolidaysAUS ( theYear )

Creates a paragraph-delimited list of dates for Australian national holidays.

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Vaughan Bromfield   Vaughan Bromfield - Show more from this author

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  Sample input:
HolidayAUS ( 2011 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

HolidaysAUS ( theYear )

Written by Vaughan Bromfield

v1.0 - 22 October 2012
v1.1 - 23 October 2012 -- added historical limits, changed to List()
v1.2 - 23 October 2012 -- allowed for ANZAC Day clash with Easter Monday in 2011

Returns a list of paragraph-delimited dates for Australian national public holidays. Does not return dates that fall on Saturday or Sunday.
The holiday list has a NSW bias and includes the NSW dates for Queens Birthday and Labour Day.
An attempt has been made to include the proclamation years of the holidays to give them historical limits, but these are not complete nor 100% correct.
Arguably I could exclude any year before 1788 when Australia was first colonised by Europeans, or 1901 when Australia became independent from Britain.

Calculates the standard public holidays for Australia (actually NSW):
New Years Day
Australia Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Queens Birthday (All states except WA)
Labour Day (ACT, NSW, SA)
Christmas Day
Boxing Day

Includes code from the custom function
Easter_Sunday ( TheYear )
by Menno van Beek, STB Automatisering & Advies BV.



Robert Schaub   Robert Schaub, East Hampton CT
Oct 22, 2012
All though your sample input is correct

RectangleArea ( 2 , 3 ) is 6 as seen in the saample output. I am not quite sure what this has to do with a cf that gets Austrailian holidays?
Vaughan   Vaughan, Sydney AUstralia
Oct 22, 2012
Updated, thanks.

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