Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

MaskPassword ( Text ; ReplacementChar ) , CountPassword ( Text ; ReplacementChar )

Custom function to encrypt or masking a password field inputs in Filemaker.

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Priyabrata Sahoo   Priyabrata Sahoo - Show more from this author
Mindfire Solutions

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  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

We can mask the password field inputs through Filemaker script triggers and using this function in the script and storing the data entered in the password field into another field in its table for password matching while signing in using the password. Since the characters entered into the password field would get converted to "*".



Tom Fitch   Tom Fitch
Feb 23, 2013
Don't store passwords, masked or otherwise.
Priyabrata   Priyabrata, India
Mar 3, 2013
The password can be stored in another field.

While triggering script(onObjectmodify) in the field the user had to enter the password.

We can first store the password characters one by one in another field then mask the password characters in the
Sebastian   Sebastian, Lucern
Aug 26, 2013
How you will do implement the store of password characters one by one in another field before masking the password?

Regards Sebastian
Priyabrata Sahoo, Mindfire Solutions   Priyabrata Sahoo, Mindfire Solutions, India
Aug 26, 2013
If we use a script trigger on the password field and use this function in the script which would get the actual password characters and using this function it will replace with the mask character that would be defined in the custom function

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